Whether you are well advanced in your walk with the Lord or have only recently begun or are seeking we welcome you to join us so that we may journey and grow in our faith together

Our Sunday worship is at 10.30 am in the Chapel - if you are unable to join with us we can provide links to live streaming from other Services in the Circuit or to deliver a Worship Sheet for your personal use at home. 

If there are 5 Sundays in a month we usually share worship (either at Raunds or at one of the other Chapels in the Circuit - please see the Church calendar for details)


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News - Rise Up & Build News Aug 2021

‘Rise up and Build’

Raunds Methodist Church

News Bulletin Number 6 August 2021


Good News

On August 1st our General Church Meeting approved phase one of our redevelopment plans.  Phase one is all about access and will include a platform lift from the lower room to the current worship area.  The lower room will be completely refurbished to include a wetroom for assisted showering, a new servery, toilets with full disabled access, a new ceiling.  The porch will be remodelled, and new windows installed at ground level.

Our total after our Gift Day now stands at £51,567

(as of August 2nd) with more promised, our target has been met, well done who all who have contributed! The repair work to the front of the building will now begin in mid August.

There is however one matter of great concern that could prevent our plans coming to fruition. WE NEED PEOPLE TO UNDERTAKE IMPORTANT JOBS IN THE LIFE OF OUR CONGREGATION. Specifically, we need as a matter of urgency:

A new Church Steward

A bookings secretary

Help with grant applications.

‘Rise up and Build’ will only happen if we have the right people to make it happen.  Please give this your careful and prayerful consideration.  Details of what these jobs involve can be obtained from either Rev Kim or Mike. We have come so far, we have a viable and costed plan, to move on we must fill these vacancies.

Let’s get on with making our vision a reality.

With love to you all,

The Stewards and Leadership Team, Raunds Methodist Church.

 Mike Langstaff, Project Facilitator        01933 624423  michaellangstaff@btinternet.com

Rev Kim Shorley, Minister     01933 676172 rev@theshorleys.co.uk



Raunds Methodist Church Mission Statement

‘Love the Lord your God with all that you are, and your neighbour as yourself.’

Raunds Methodist Church seeks to honour God by means of inclusive worship, supporting each other and by serving our community. We will, with others seek to meet the needs of those needing comfort, support, and encouragement.  We see this as fulfilling our Christian calling by showing the face of Jesus to those around us.


We will do this by seeking to follow a Methodist Way of Life, and as far as we are able, with God’s help we will seek to provide

  • Worship and prayer which both inspires and challenges:
  •  Caring and support, as we work with service providers in our community with those whose lives have been                               damaged by Covid 19:
  • Support for environmental priorities in our community seeking always to challenge injustice.
  • We will show the love of God through our actions and words sharing the Good News of Jesus with our                                  community.


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